Entries by Illumulus

Create A Memorable Storytelling Presentation!

So many times, I go into presentations and pitches that truly lack the substance to keep my attention or create a positive lasting impression. These presentations could be a new client presentation, internal project update or weekly status meeting. Regardless of the meeting, each time I leave, I think about how nothing really stood out […]

CEO Message – Looking back at 2016

Dear Friends, As I reflect on 2016, I look at the progress of iLLUMULUS since its inception in November 2015. It all started with an idea in 2014. I wanted to start a marketing company that did more than just help sell a product.  I wanted to create value for companies.   Incorporating components such […]

5 Steps to Ensure Positive Marketing Brand Value

Why Branding? Your brand determines the value and visibility for your product/organization and let’s everyone know what you stand for.  Your branding represents who you are, what you do, how you do it and most importantly, why others want to use your product or service.   Branding is not just your logo but the efforts behind […]

iLLUMULUS attends The Home Front Cares Annual Benefit

Guest Speaker Major Lisa Jaster was honored for her extraordinary efforts to become only one of three women to graduate the US Army Ranger program during the Home Front Cares Annual Benefit. iLLUMULUS CEO and Founder, Frank Trevino attended The Home Front Cares Annual Benefit at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs on Friday, October […]

마케팅 책 추천) 마케팅을 부탁해 – 마케팅 입문서

마케팅 책 추천 / 마케팅 입문서 추천 마케팅을 부탁해 – 처음 배우는 마케팅의 기본 마케팅은 우리의 생활 전반에 걸쳐있는 활동입니다. 단순히 기업이 서비스나 상품을 잘 팔기 위한 전략과 행위만을 일컫는 것이 아니라, 마케팅은 우리를 둘러싼 생활 모든 부분에서 행해지는 활동입니다. 그렇기 때문에 누구나 마케터(Marketer)이기도 합니다. 예를 들어, 누구든지 한번은 경험하는 취업준비생(취준생) 시절에는 입사하기 위하여 ‘나’라는 […]